
Respiratory Testimonials

“I have been suffering from a lung condition for quite some time. The Apán cleared it all up where the doctors could not!!!! Thank you.”

Jan W.
From: Anderson, IN

“My curiosity and drive to find new “natural” products for my pets and myself made it easy to try your product Defense.  My15-year old male Dalmatian, Jorge . . . has a lump on his right side for about two years, and over time, it became larger.  He also has a large lump on the side of his neck which has fluid in it.  Being too old and weak for any type of surgery, our hands were tied.  One day after being on Defense for perhaps six weeks, I noticed the hair around his tumor on his side was sticking out. There was a scab on part of the lump.  The scabbed section was flatter.  A week or two later it reddened, and then another scab appeared on another section.  I was astonished at what I saw.  I am happy to report that the lump has gone down by two-thirds its original size. Also, the large lump on Jorge’s neck went down to about half its size. During this allergy season, I have not seen Jorge bite his feet or other parts of his body, and he is not taking any steroids or medications for allergies.  This product is amazing! I, too, take Defense as I had part of my lung removed and suffer from upper respiratory infections. To date, I am happy to report that I became sick once so far while on Defense, but was able to recover without antibiotics! Defense is a wonderful product that really works.”

J. Cech
From: Orland Park, IL

“Have very happy clients whom have been using the Apán. Lady has been troubled with sinusitis for many years and a consistent cough, has had several antibiotics.  I suggested her trying the Apán and after just a few days sinuses had clearer and cough had eased greatly.  She says she wouldn’t be without it.  Lady took it for recurring kidney infections and she hasn’t had one since she started the Apán.  She also gave it to her husband who has copd  he can’t believe how his breathing has improved.  Man (my husband) has prostate cancer.  His psa bloods went down from 10.8 to 6.2 within a month.  A first in 2 years of having bloods taken every 3 months and each time they were creeping up.  His treatment was planned before he knew about Apán but he feels the Apán has lessened the side effects of treatment.  Man with bowel cancer started taking the Apán half way through his treatment.  He had to get bloods taken before each treatment.  Drs couldn’t understand how the readings had come down from 400 to 52. He is having his last treatment tomorrow and is doing well.”

Yvonne J.
From: Northern Ireland

“Got over a lung condition that I have had for years. Thank you!”

Andy M.
From: Anchorage, AK

“Seems to be helping with excessive phlegm in the throat. It feels very soothing and beneficial.”

Barbara C.
From: Bowie, MD

“I came down with the flu. My good friend seeing how sick I was with a severe cough, sinuses blocked, running a 100* temp fever.  I was gifted a bottle from his own stock. I never seen or felt a product work so fast in healing. I stared using Apán Super Liquid that afternoon, By the next day my fever was gone. My cough was still present, but it was 75% better.  My sinuses were unclogged and I could breath thru my nose once again. WOW!  And I only used 1/4 of the bottle. I am still healing!  I asked my friend where I could buy more and he told me of this website. I bought one for my medicine cabinet and one for a co-worker that was sick with the same thing I was going thru. Thanks to the maker of this product. God bless!”

Kirk H.
From: Ava, MO
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