Broken Ankle Testimonials
“Three years ago this coming July, I fell and broke my right ankle so bad that my foot hung off to the side. It took surgery, a plate and several screws to put my ankle back together. I was also told by the surgeon that I had soft bones. 3 months in a wheel chair and two more months in a special boot using a knee scooter later, I was finally able to stand for short periods of time. Since this time almost 3 years later, I still walked with a limp, and had pain in my left hip and leg even at night when trying to sleep. Also, I have arthritis in my forefinger and middle finger on my right hand, and over the past 6 months this has also become a problem and source of great pain in first my right thumb and then my left thumb, which meant I could no long crochet, something I enjoy doing. For the past 3 years with the advice of the surgeon and friends I started taking Glucosamine, Calcium, D3, and K2, nutritional supplements that are supposed to help strengthen bones. These may have helped, but the fact remained, I still walked with a limp, and still had pain in my left leg, and pain from arthritis continued to increase. The sad thing is at age 61 pain and discomfort seemed to becoming a normal thing. A month ago I ordered Apán and in just one month I am now walking for 30 minutes daily with my husband and not limping. No more pain in my left leg or hip, or my thumbs and fingers.”