Clary Sage

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Country of Origin: Bulgaria, Organic
Botanical Name: Salvia sclarea
Plant Part: Plant and Flowers
Note: Woody, Herbal



Man Found Standing Writes:

Clary Sage, Organic: Bulgaria (Salvia sclarea)

By the Middle Ages Clary Sage was a highly regarded herb for women and its seeds were prized for treating eye conditions and infections. The main chemical, linalyl acetate, is a nester of the Linalool chemical that is abundantly found in Lavender essential oil. Sadly, the low cost syntheticlinalyl acetate is readily added to poor quality Clary Sage oil to “enhance” the oil and allow it to be sold for a greater profit. These low-quality oils readily find themselves in the retail market and most often do not contain any, or hardly any, of the chemical Sclareol. Sclareolis a rare chemical found in small amounts in true Therapeutic Quality Clary Sage and has a similar structure as our hormones. Using oils that contain Sclareol will assist our bodies, both men and women, to return into hormonal balance.

Primary Usages: Considered to be the most powerful essential oil to assist the female reproductive system (PMS, amenorrhea, hot flashes, post-natal depression, menstruation, hormonal imbalance, cramps, uterine tonic, pain, sexual dysfunction, frigidity, moodiness, menopause, hot flashes). It also has mild euphoric and nerve tonic actions (calming, anxiety, depression, stress, stops brain chatter, headaches, insomnia, enhance dream state, mental disorders, epilepsy, panic attacks, brings feeling of serenity) and is ideal for everyday use.

Secondary Usages: Its anti-aging and skin regenerative properties assist wrinkles, fine lines, and mature skin. The mild antiseptic properties make it also beneficial skin infections and acne. Clary sage rubbed on location assists new hair growth due to its hormone balancing and stimulating effects.

Has Been Reported: General tonic (digestive disorders, circulatory problems, impotency, high cholesterol, blood sugar control, kidney issues, hemorrhoids) and speeds the recovery from injury or illness. Beneficial for the lungs (asthma, bronchitis, coughs), muscles (spasms, cramps),

Descriptor: Hormone Balancing, Nervine, Sedative, Antispasmodic, Antiseptic, Antidepressant

Caution: Overuse can result in dizziness, evaluated blood pressure, and hormones being thrown out of balance thus causing a low-grade headache that can last for days. Do not use, or use extreme caution, with children and while pregnant.

Application: Topically, Bath, Diffuse, Internal Tonic

Found In: DNA Release, Balance

Influences: Calming and relaxing properties assist to relieve anxiety and depression. Assists to restore self-confidence, courage, and mental strength.

Medicine Wheel: Primary North and Secondary Center and East. Tonifies and Rectifies Qi and wonderful to eliminate the stuck energy.

Blends Well With: Cedarwood, Citrus oils, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Melissa, Neroli, Roman Chamomile, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang



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