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Balsam of Copaiba, Wild: Brazil (Copaifera officinalis – Hydro Distilled)
Growing wild in the rain forests of Brazil, the trees are tapped for their sap-like resin. On average an individual mature tree of thirty-five years will produce 40 liters of resin per year. With a long history of use in traditional medicine, the resin was administered orally or turned into an ointment for treating a wide range of diseases. The natives of South American use Copaiba in their spiritual ceremonies to assist them in connecting with the Creator.
Most of the essential oil that is distilled from the resin and its very mild fragrance is being used by the skin care and fragrance industries. The resin and Therapeutic Essential Oil have been used for treating animals with a wide variety of ailments with wonderful results. The oil contains the largest amount of beta-Caryophyllene, researched for its anti-inflammatory properties, of any essential oil.
Primary Usages: It is beneficial for respiratory conditions (colds, coughs, fevers, chills, bronchitis, pulmonary issues, congestion, inflammation of the mucus membranes), assists inflammation (body and muscles), is a disinfectant (kills bacteria, wounds, great internally for urinary infections), and is a wonderful diuretic. Because it is very high in sesquiterpenes, the chemistry can cross the blood brain barrier and assists in oxygenating and stimulating the brain.
Secondary Usages: Assists lymphatic flow, digestive and intestinal issues (constipation, hemorrhoids, vomiting, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, Crohn’s disease), and pains (muscles, arthritis, backs, neck pain, stiffness, sciatica, cancer, fibromyalgia, headaches), and the immune system.
Has Been Reported: Nervous tension (relieves fear, worry, stress, and anxiety bringing an inner peace), skin (softens, eczema, athlete’s foot, dandruff), and has been known to stop bleeding from an open wound and assist in the healing process. Also assist with hemorrhoids and used as a moisturizer for treating psoriasis. Use on insect bites or stings to neutralize the poison and assist in healing.
Descriptor: Antiseptic, Expectorant, Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic, Stimulant, Anti-Tumor
Application: For internal use put two drops in water and take three times a day or as needed. For external use rub a couple drops on location as needed.
Caution: Diluted on sensitive skin areas.
Influences: Assists to align the mind with the spirit and assist in enhancing discernment. This oil is calming, focusing, and grounding.
Medicine Wheel: Primary Fire and Secondary Metal and Soil. Increases the Guardian Qi.
Blends Well With: Basil, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Oregano, Rosemary
Recipes: A popular formula is to mixed ten drops of Copaiba with ten drops of Sacred Frankincense and taken that internally. This has been known to alleviate sever pain for many hours at a time.Add a few drops of Copaiba to your bath water to relax the body, mind, and spirit.
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