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Peppermint: USA First Distilled (Mentha piperita)
The Mentha piperita is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint and historically this medicinal herb was indigenous to Europe and was used by the ancient Egyptians, Grecians, and Romans for flavoring, fragrance, digestive aid, insect and rodent repellent, and to whiten teeth. In Chapter Two we shared some information about what the classification of First Distilled Peppermint is and how it differs between most all Peppermint oil supplied in the market. Sadly, in the market a lot of Peppermint oil is also adulterated with Corn Mint, especially the oil coming in from the Asia area. Corn Mint is higher in Menthol and is lower it its overall therapeutic value.
Primary Usages: Assists the respiratory system (flu, colds, fevers, throat infections, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, spasmodic coughs, cramps), increases circulation, opens the sensory system, fights bacteria, inflammation, spasms, neuralgia, pain (muscle, joint), palpitations, and jet lag. It is a wonderfully powerful breath freshener.
Secondary Usages: Assists the nervous system (mental alertness, shock, fatigue, stress, fainting, headaches, vertigo, migraines), helpful for digestive issues (colic, dyspepsia, gas, nausea, diarrhea, halitosis, indigestion, heartburn), and stimulates the gall bladder and liver. Add a drop or two to water during the summer months to have a cooling effect on the body. Beneficial for repelling insects and rodents.
Has Been Reported: Assists skin issues (acne, dermatitis, ringworm, poison ivy, sunburns, itchy skin, scabies), female problems (regulates menstruation and hot flashes,), and aids toothaches.
Descriptor: Analgesic, Decongestant, Expectorant, Aids Digestion, Antiseptic, Anti-inflammatory, Liver Stimulant
Application: Apply topically, ingest, or diffuse.
Caution: Considered a hotter oil and possible skin irritant. Dilute if necessary. Avoid using near the eyes.
Found In: Courage, Breathe Ez, Sports Pro, Rejuvenate, Fortify, Divine, Prosperity, Joint Support, Sports Pro, Tummy Rub
Influences: Uplifting and refreshing. Assists to relieve mental fatigue and improves focus.
Medicine Wheel: A Primary South and Secondary Center and North. Moves Qi energy will be rectifying the brain and spirit.
Blends Well With: Basil, Bergamot, Black Pepper, Cajeput, Cedarwood, Cinnamon Bark, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Ginger, Grapefruit, Ho-Leaf, Juniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Marjoram, Melaleuca, Pine, Rosemary, Spearmint, Tea Tree, Thyme
Recipes: For a wonderful air freshener mix four drops of Peppermint and Pine with two drops of Grapefruit and diffuse. For bug bites, apply directly on affected area and dilute if necessary.
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