Man Found Standing Writes:
Turmeric oil is derived from turmeric, which is well-known for its anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-malarial, anti-tumor, anti-proliferative, anti-protozoal
and anti-aging properties. It has a lengthy history as a medicine, spice and coloring
agent, and has been used for over 4,000 years.
It's large range of health benefits includes detoxify the body, reducing inflammation,
prevents cancer, optimize digestion, prevents hair loss, strengthen the immune system,
protects the liver, and treats epilepsy. It assists the heart by reducing platelet aggregation,
lowering blood pressure, and stimulating the growth of new red blood cells. It can protect
against fatigue, atherosclerosis, weakened blood vessels, heart attack, stroke, and other
cardiovascular diseases.
Turmeric oil is a strong relaxant and balancer. It is beneficial for depression and anxiety.
It assists arthritis, gout, headaches, muscle pain, joint disorders, and various chronic
diseases throughout the body, including gastrointestinal inflammation. It boosts skin health,
facial fine lines, wrinkles, and a treatment for acne. Rid yourself of dandruff, control loss of
hair caused by a fungal infection, and ease itchy scalp. Add a few drops to your regular hair
shampoo. Just remember to use a very small amount in carrier oil because it will stains your
skin yellow.
It blends well with the oils of ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, orange, ylang ylang, grapefruit, and
vanilla. Turmeric oil is not solely used for medicinal purposes; it also has a rich, aromatic flavor
that can complement many different dishes. Turmeric is often used as a spice.
Traditional Application: Apply topically on the heart to assist in opening the heart charka.
Apply on ears, temples, across the back of the neck or other places of pain or discomfort. Mix in
a carrier oil for massage. Diffuse. Use in a relaxing bath for joint pain. Beneficial for nasal
congestion that typically comes with the common cold. Simply add a few drops of Turmeric oil
to a diffuser or bowl of hot water and inhale the vapors to quickly alleviate that stuffy nose.
Inhaling Turmeric also helps fight the germs that caused your cold in the first place. As with any
essential oil, extreme caution should be taken when pregnant.
Only very high-quality oil should be used internally, which means a USDA-certified organic
turmeric oil that is100 percent pure and therapeutic grade. Add one drop of turmeric essential oil
to water or mix one drop of turmeric oil with a teaspoon of honey or a smoothie. This is an easy
alternative to taking turmeric oil capsules.
It helps jumpstart digestion system. For a sluggish digestion, try 3 drops Cardamon, 2 drops
Turmeric, 2 drops Ginger in 2 teaspoons of carrier oil. Massage in a clockwise motion over
the abdominal area twice daily until symptoms subside. This can help increase bile movement as
well when there is liver congestion.
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