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Nutmeg, Organic: Indonesia (Myristica fragrans)
Nutmeg oil comes from the ground seeds of the tall evergreen indigenous to the Spice Islands of Indonesia. In history this spice was of great importance with battles fought over the control of this valuable commodity. The medicinal properties of Nutmeg have been known for thousands of years. It was often used to treat intestinal disorders by the native population and to assist people who could not digest and assimilate starchy foods and fats. The ancient Egyptians use it in their embalming process and in Europe in the mid 1500’s the spice was use by the rich to ward of the Black Plague.
Primary Usages: General tonic that has adrenal cortex-like activity supporting the adrenals and increasing energy. Beneficial for the liver, kidneys, immune function, and the digestion(bad breath, gas, diarrhea, nausea, parasites, chronic vomiting, loss of appetite, infection).
Secondary Usages: It is beneficial for joint and muscles (pain, inflammation, cramps, sprains, arthritis, rheumatism), nervous system(invigorating to the mind, produce intense dreams, psycho stimulant, nerve pain, fatigue, fainting) and assists regulating gallstones, circulation, heart functions, respiration, gout, blood clots, and infections.
Has Been Reported: Regulates hormones (reproductive system, regulating scanty periods, relieving frigidity, impotence) and can assist child birth by strengthening contractions.
Descriptor: General Tonic, Analgesic, Digestive, Antimicrobial,
Application: Dilute in carrier oil and apply to areas of concern, bottom of feet, effective diffuse for respiratory issues or use as desired.
Caution: Avoid while pregnant or use in small amounts. Excessive use can cause toxic symptoms such as nausea.
Found In: Courage, Vitality
Influences: It is mentally stimulating and assists to promote a sense of comfort and openness. It is invigorating, revitalizing and warms the emotions.
Medicine Wheel: Primary West and Secondary East.
Blends Well With: Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Clove, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Ginger, Lavender, Lime, Mandarin, Orange, Rosemary, and Vanilla
Recipes: Mix one drop of Nutmeg in a half teaspoon of honey and add hot water. Drink as a general tonic one to three times a day. Often people like to diffuse four drops Nutmeg, three drops each of Cinnamon and Clove, along with two drops each of Orange and Ginger to create a fragrance of warmth and happiness in the home. For a general relaxing massage put into one ounce of carrier oil eight drops Nutmeg and four drops each of Ginger and Rosemary.
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