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Tummy Rub

Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $13.60.
List of Ingredients: Wild, Ethically Farmed and Organic Essential Oils of Peppermint, Fennel, Ginger Root, Juniper Berry, Anise, Marjoram, Cypress, Tarragon, and Hyssop in a base of 70% Fractionated Coconut Oil. ‍ Man Found Standing says: It is beneficial in digesting toxic materials, in alleviating indigestion, cramps, upset stomach, vomiting, belching, bloating, heartburn, gas, colic, nervous tension, anxiety, and stress. Tummy Rub is beneficial for spasms, infections, viruses, bacteria, and inflammation. It improves circulation, and tones the liver, kidneys, and spleen that improves overall body functions. Also assists to assist the liver in producing enzymes, balances intestinal activity, and relieves discomfort from motion sickness, jet lag, morning sickness, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, and may neutralize negative emotions.  The aromatic influences of Tummy Rub are health, courage, enhances physical energy, and may assist digesting and assimilating new ideas. It assists in alleviating parasites (also in animals) by massaging and then applying a compress across the stomach. ‍ Traditional Application: Apply to the feet and ankles. Massage over the stomach area and apply a hot wet towel compress. For motion sickness apply over the stomach. ‍ Companion Essential Oils: Basil, Black Cumin, Fennel, Peppermint, Tangerine, and True Blue ‍ Caution: This may be “hot” for young children and some adults so dilute if necessary.
Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $13.60.


List of Ingredients: Wild, Ethically Farmed and Organic Essential Oils of Helichrysum italicum, Frankincense, Lavender, Cypress, Fennel, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Florah in a base of 85% Fractionated Coconut Oil. ‍ Man Found Standing says: Vision was formulated to strengthen, repair and improve the eyes and eyesight. It improves circulation, fights inflammation, and strengthens blood capillary walls. This blend is also helpful to fight infections, assists in healing and regenerating connective tissue, detoxifies, cleanses the blood, and relieves pain. Vision tones muscles and tissue, carries oxygen to the brain, soothes the nerves, and is uplifting and heals emotions. Never put directly in the eye. Traditional Application: Lie down, close your eyes and apply on the eyelids and on the bony part around each eye. Keep your eyes closed and rest a few minutes. Eye problems represent the capacity to see clearly – past, present, and future. It represents fear and a good affirmations “I see with love and joy.” ‍ Companion Oils: Balance and Love


List of Ingredients: Wild, Ethically Farmed and Organic Essential Oils of Spearmint, Myrtle, Sage, Nutmeg, Geranium, Myrrh, Holy Basil, German Chamomile, and Cypress in a base of 60% Fractionated Coconut Oil. ‍ Man Found Standing says: It was formulated to support and improve one’s own vitality. It assists the respiratory, digestive, and glandular systems. Vitality is beneficial for the lymphatic, is neuro-balancing, a heart stimulant, relieves depression, inflammation, and improves balance of the thyroid. It is effective for hormonal disturbances and has been known to release emotional blocks related to the past bringing balance. It may alleviate hot flashes and stimulate weight loss by improving metabolic function. Vitality supports the adrenal glands, is a general stimulant for increasing energy, soothing for anxiety and stress related complaints, and recognized for its benefits of strengthening the complete body. Promotes peace, happiness, clarity, adds fun, zest, and enchantment to life. Traditional Application: Apply to thyroid, kidneys, liver (right front),pancreas (left front), and glands. Applied over the throat it may help a person express their true feelings. ‍ Companion Essential Oils: Sandalwood, Nutmeg, and Frankincense
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