Wanda M.

“My husband and I have been using Apán for the last 8 to 10 weeks.  We have each had our blood lipids checked very recently at different locations.  Since Gordon’s last lab report of . . . his total cholesterol has gone from 183 to 145: good cholesterol (HDL) has increased while bad cholesterol (LDL) has decreased: triglycerides are now fantastic and his HDL/LDL risk ratio has dropped from being too high to being in the desirable range.  For a 78 year old who once had prostate cancer, he has great health and high energy.  I have a genetic tendency to high cholesterol and triglycerides.  My recent blood test showed the best improvement I have ever seen in the 40 years I have been tracking this. . . my . . .cholesterol has dropped 43 points; HDL – for the first time I can remember – is in the normal range; LDL although still too high has dropped 25 points; triglycerides have gone from 316 to 182.  Coronary risk factor is down from high to a near normal range.  While taking Apán my energy levels have allowed me to have more productive days and at age 71 that is a blessing.  I am counting on Apán as our first line of defense against the serious flu feared for this coming winter.”