“I was introduced to Apán just very recently and wanted to share my experience. I have been a healer and complementary therapist for many years and always believed that the body has an immense ability to heal itself given the right conditions. When I read about Apán I was so impressed and intuitively knew this was genuine and uniquely powerful so I bought some immediately. My experience I want to share is about my beautiful cat called B.B. who recently developed a massive boil on his back which no matter what I tried didn’t stop the growth or obvious pain he was in, as he constantly licked and pulled out his fur. So I put just one drop directly on the sore once a day and within a few days it showed signs of reducing. He hated me touching it for first 5 days but then lay still whilst I rubbed it in so clearly he was no longer in any discomfort. Within 2 1/2 weeks it vanished and now the fur has grown back. I am so thrilled and grateful to have found Apán and will continue to share this amazing Native American herb with others. Thank you so much for bringing it into the market so we all can benefit from it’s natural immune boosting properties. Nature definitely knows best. Thank you again 🙏🙏🙏 the first photo is after using Apán for about three days, the silver looking area is the reducing of information as before I started the whole area was raised and red, and was about 2” in diameter.”