“I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer a month ago. I happened to find a video about Apán online and ordered it. I have been taking it for just 3 weeks and I changed my diet to a plant-based diet. Oct 1st was my fist chemo treatment, and I had no sickness or loss of energy…. I do know that Apán is helping me.”
UPDATE AS OF 10/23/2020
“I had my second chemo treatment yesterday, October 22nd and didn’t get sick. I have a lot of energy, also. I owe it to my Apán. I am taking 6 droppers a day. Still eating plant based and organic food. They haven’t done another CT scan on me yet, but I will let you know after my 3rd chemo which is November 12th. I am on two very strong chemotherapy drugs.”
UPDATE AS OF 12/8/2020
“Another update with my stage 4 uterus cancer. I went for my 4th chemo on December 3trd. My WBC is still good. The cancer antigen (CA) 125 test in October was 3676.0. Test done December 3rd was 284.0. A big drop which means cancer cells are being killed and stopped from spreading and tumor is shrinking. I go for a CT scan this month. Between Apán, chemo, and a plat based diet and prayers, it’s working. I will keep you updated.”
UPDATE AS OF 12/23/2020
“CT scan yesterday. My Oncologist called my to tell me everything is looking great. Tumor down just about 50%, fluid in abdomen gone, very little fluid left around my lungs a spot in the abdominal wall is down 60%. Two more chemos to go and then another CT scan.”
“I won’t go without my Apán. It is really helping me. Still on a plant based diet, also. Thank you Man Found Standing, for always being there for me.”
UPDATE AS OF 01/19/2021
“They did bloodwork before my 6th chemo Tuesday and the cancer Antigen is down to 85. (A 70% drop from December test and almost 98% drop from the October test.) I have a CT scan in a few weeks and another blood test. My Oncologist will let me know where we will go from here after the CT scan and blood work. I will keep you informed. I stopped taking the Defense Plus because my white blood count was 3.3. That was the only thing I added. I don’t know if the Defense plus had anything to do with it, but we will see the WBC with the next blood work.”
UPDATE AS OF 02/10/2021
“My cancer antigen is now 52.3. I still have cancer, but it is almost gone. My oncologist said the chemo caused the low WBC. So, I am going to start taking the Defense Plus again tomorrow. I will find out in a few weeks what my doctor recommends. I will let you know.”
UPDATE 07/03/2021
“My latest CA-125 results were 46.9. Remember in the beginning it was around 3,600. My Oncologist stopped the chemotherapy and the surgeon from MD Andersen said the tumors are gone and she would see me in 3 months. Both doctors will keep an eye on me. Me Oncologist will continue with bloodwork and XT scans.”
UPDATE 10/07/2021
“My last bloodwork shows my cancer numbers are down to 39.8 and the recent CT scan shows no tumors and there is a small amount of fluid remaining around my left lung. I will never stop taking Wild Apan and Defense. I am so grateful I found you ❤ ”
UPDATE 12/17/2021
“Bloodwork done Wednesday with a CA-125 test shows my numbers are down to 33.9. I couldn’t be happier. I will never stop taking Apan and Defense. I have a CT scan in February. I will send another update then.”