Essential Oils
Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner, and Dr. Troy Frazier,
Founder of Absolute Health an Integrated Health Care Clinic in Orem, Utah
Man Found Standing, Medicine Man Practitioner, and Dr. Troy Frazier,
Founder of Absolute Health an Integrated Health Care Clinic in Orem, Utah
Welcome to this radio health interview between Dr. Troy Frazier, founder of Absolute Health an Integrated Health Care Clinic in Orem Utah, and Man Found Standing.
*Hello, I’m Dr Troy Frazier, and today I’ll be speaking with Man Found Standing, a Native American Medicine Man Practitioner. Welcome.
Thank you Dr. Frazier, it’s good to be here. As you know, Dr. Frazier, there are many paths to travel to obtain good health.
*Yes. Everyone chooses his or her own path to excellent health. It is my personal belief that, given support and opportunity, the body will usually be able to heal itself from many conditions. Tell me how you became interested in Therapeutic Oils.
From my earliest beginnings, I have always been associated with alternative medicines. I was raised with the philosophy that nature provides us with everything we need to keep ourselves healthy and happy. My first major introduction to Therapeutic Essential Oils was over two decades ago in the early 1990’s. I remember my mother calling me up and excitingly telling me about her wonderful new discovery.
Through a minor accident that happened two weeks after that telephone conversation, I was fully converted to the use of Therapeutic Oils. Instead of being on crutches for a month, I was out running in a week! I attributed my speedy return to complete mobility after the injury to the use of Therapeutic Oils.
Over the next several years, I had many wonderful healing experiences with the Therapeutic Oils. I saw first-hand many miracles involving the oils. Let me share one experience involving my daughter.
For the first two and a half years of my daughter‘s life, she had chronic bronchitis. This was due to being subjected to powerful antibiotics that compromised her immune system. We started her out on the essential oils by applying them twice a day. In less than two weeks of putting an immune building blend on her feet and a respiratory blend on her chest, she was completely clear of all problems and has stayed clear now for over five years.
Through experiences like this, I knew that I wanted the Therapeutic Essential Oils to play a major role in my life. Because of my love for the Therapeutic Oils, in 1997, I went to work for a company that supposedly supplied the world’s best Therapeutic Oils. Over the next few months while I worked, I listened to countless hours of Therapeutic Oil audio tapes. The more that I gained knowledge through learning from others and through my own personal experiences with the Therapeutic Oils, the greater my excitement became.
As I became more involved in the company, I also became saddened by what I personally witnessed; what was being said and what was actually being done were two separate things. After one particular shocking experience, I came to the conclusion that , if I was going to continue using the essential oils, I wanted to be sure that the quality I was paying for was what I was actually going to receive. What this meant was I was going to have to do the job myself.
*So, what are Therapeutic Essential Oils Oils?
Therapeutic Essential Oils are the end result of plant metabolism. They are produced by the plant and circulated through the stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, and roots. Each plant produces an essential oil that is unique to that plant.
When you walk through a pine forest, you can easily smell the Therapeutic Essential Oil from the trees. Oils are essential for the plant’s survival. What I have found most exciting is their ability to contain the intelligence or life force of the plant and assist in healing the plant when injured or attacked. Just as blood is a key component to our survival, essential oils are a key component to their survival of the plants. Essential Oils are highly concentrated plant medicines. Some components in the essential oils can be a 100,000 times stronger than in the dried herb. For example, it takes more than 100 pounds of eucalyptus leaves to produce one pound of eucalyptus oil. A few thousand pounds of rose petals produce only one liter of essential oil. Try replacing your peppermint teabag with one drop of pure Therapeutic Oil, it is quite powerful.
When chemists studied the Therapeutic Essential Oil constitutes, they discovered that these oils are extremely complex substances. Chemists have identified more than 3000 different aromatic molecules and new ones are continually being discovered. For example, rose oil has over 300 compounds with over half of them not yet identified. In our modern day society, chemists studied the compounds and plants to determine the effect these may have on the human body. Some of these constitutes may be synthesized artificially to make modern medicine. But such synthetic compounds cannot be made to work biologically in the same way as the compounds made by nature.
*How long has man been using essential oils?
Essential oils have been around for thousands of years. Plant medicine forms part of every cultural tradition. You can read about their use in the Bible. In the 19th and 20th centuries, with the advent of manmade drugs and modern surgical practices, man almost completely forgot these gifts of nature.
During the 1920’s, a French cosmetic chemist, named Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, accidently burned his hand. Gattefosse applied Lavender oil to his wound and to his surprise, it relieved the pain and after a few days, there was no blistering or scarring on his hand. Excited by the possibilities, he spent the next years in more research and experimentation. Because the essential oil had aromatic properties, he coined the phrase “Aromatherapy”.
*Is scientific research available to backup the claims of the healing properties of essential oils?
Yes. Chamberlain did one of the first early studies on Therapeutic Essential Oils in the 1880’s. Chamberlain studied the anti-bacterial properties of the vapor of oregano, cinnamon, angelica, and geranium essential oils. He tested these against certain disease causing illnesses. He found that they were effective against several bacteria in vapor form.
In 1918, Chevelle conducted experiments with essential oils. He found that even in diluted amounts, the Therapeutic Essential Oils showed antiseptic action. For example, clove bud oil was found to kill tuberculosis at the rate of one part Therapeutic Oil to 6000 parts TB.
In the 1930’s, Belgium Researchers tested Therapeutic Essential Oils and learned even more of their beneficial properties. Since the 1960’s, France has made many discoveries and is one of the leading countries using essential oils for medical purposes. Therapeutic Essential Oils are continuing to amaze researchers with their healing properties and excitement is growing for their many uses.
*How do you get the essential oils from the plants?
There are many ways of extracting the oils from the plants. Each plant has unique requirements in terms of how the plant should be handled before and during the extraction process. The most commonly used extraction process is through steam distillation. In the steam distillation method, plant material is put into a chamber; steam is then injected into the chamber causing the plants to release their Therapeutic Oil. The steam and Therapeutic Oils are carried out of this chamber and deposited into a cooling container where the Therapeutic Oil raises to the top and is separated and gathered.
Hydro-distillation and expeller pressing are two other common methods used to extract the essential oils.
*Is the time and temperature during extraction important?
Most definitely! To produce superb quality Therapeutic Essential Oils, one must be conscious of temperature, pressure, and the amount of time the plant is to be distilled. For example, Bergamot distilled at a lower temperature produces a nicer smelling, higher quality Therapeutic Oil. However, it is photo-sensitive. If you were to wear it on your exposed skin and go out in the sun, you will get sunburn.
When Bergamot is distilled at a higher temperature, it removed the phototoxic fuorocoumarins which makes the oils safe to use on exposed skin.
With most all essential oils, vital chemical constitutes for medical properties will be destroyed if the proper care has not been taken place. Many thousands of tons of essential oils are produced each year for the use in the flavor and fragrance industry. These oils are inferior in quality and are not as useful for our healing practices. Sadly all around the world I have found that almost every distiller is more concerned about how much oil they can extract from the plant rather than the therapeutic qualities. Almost all the oil produced worldwide, have some of the healing properties destroyed.
*Do some plants that produce Therapeutic Oils grow better in certain parts of the world?
Yes. Different soil conditions and climate affect the way the plants grow and that in turn affects the quality and chemical composition of the essential oil. For example, Helichrysum italicum, one of my personal favorites, is grown in Europe. It oil is found to be far superior, more that twice the quality of the same plant grown and distilled in the USA, India, or other parts of the world.
*I have noticed that there could be quite a difference in price between two Therapeutic Essential Oils. Why do some Therapeutic Oils cost more than others?
Each plant produces a certain amount of oil. For instance, you can get more oil from the peppermint plant than from the same amount from Melissa or Rose. The distillation time required and the demand for certain high quality essential oils also determines the price.
*How can the general public benefit from knowing about Therapeutic Essential Oils?
Just a few years ago, most people believed that the threat of epidemic infectious disease was a thing of the past. But now, infectious diseases of all types are suddenly front page news again. The way things have changed since September 11, 2001, and the subsequence anthrax attack, suddenly leave everyone feeling much more vulnerable to the threat of biological warfare.
For the first time, we now understand clearly how likely we are to experience such attacks and how poorly prepared we are to face them. Twenty well-known infectious diseases, including TB, malaria, and Cholera have recently re-emerged and are spreading globally, often in more deadly or drug-resistant strains than before and since 1973, at least thirty new previously unknown disease causing microbes have been identified. These include diseases with no cures available such as HIV, Ebola, and Hepatitis C.
The findings from the CIA indicate that health conditions will decline before they get better and the threat from infectious diseases will increase. In an epidemic, health officials rely on stockpiles of vaccines and antibiotic drugs which have been stored away for their use in an emergency. However, no one can be sure that the medication stored away will be effective against the particular infectious agents causing the epidemic. We know that viruses mutate and that bacteria become resistant to modern treatment. Who is to say when nature or someone or something else will adjust things to introduce a new bad boy into our society?
One reason for the increase in antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria is the widespread misuse of antibiotics. One benefit of Therapeutic Essential Oils is that they can reduce our dependence in antibiotics, especially since antibiotics are not effective against viral diseases. I’ve personally seen and experienced the Therapeutic Essential Oils powerful effects on viral diseases. Due to the inability to patent a natural product, there may not be a great deal of formal research to backup what I’m saying, but there a lot of impeccable evidence to support it.
Essential oils have been proven effectively to kill bacterial as well as to inhibit their growth. One of the main reasons for using Therapeutic Essential Oils is that germs can develop a resistant to antibiotic drugs, but they have yet to develop a resistance against Essential Oils. Essential Oils contain certain chemical compounds that are lethal to germs and are also so numerous that disease causing microbes cannot form a defense against them.
Let me share a story. A few years ago, I was lecturing about the Therapeutic Essential Oils. During this meeting, I spoke about the oil of Oregano which I happened to be studying at the time. A week later, I did a follow-up meeting. Before the lecture started, I asked if there were any questions or comments about last week’s meeting. In the audience, a lady jumped out of her seat, raising her hand said she had something to share. She shared her experience of being unable to breathe through her nose for a solid year. Her doctor had tried everything without any effect at all. She was told that the next thing to do was to operate and to manually go in and clean everything out. She was quite apprehensive about the procedure because of the price and also because her doctor told her that there was no guarantee that she would not be completely clogged back up again in six months.
Well, after my first lecture, she made a small purchase of 15ml of oregano. According to her, she went home and mixed the Therapeutic Oregano Oil with olive oil in a 50/50 mixture. She then proceeded to flavor her water with 3 drops of this mixture in a glass of water 3x a day. On her 3rd day, her sinuses started to drain. By the 5th day, she was completely clear of any problem. She stood in front of the audience, and after taking a deep breathe through her nose, she stated how much she appreciated the Therapeutic Essential Oils.
Why do we need to know about the Therapeutic Essential Oils? Because they are so effective and powerful, not only against illness or disease, but against physical injury, pain, emotional trauma, and more.
*Could you share with us an example of how effective Therapeutic Essential Oils are with pain?
My brother and a few of his friends stopped by my house for a visit. As it so often happens, the conversation moved to a discussion about Therapeutic Essential Oils and how powerful they are. In order to show the oils’ effectiveness, I asked if anyone had any pain. One gentleman told me that he had sustained an injury over a year ago and was unable to raise his hand above his head without having pain in his shoulder. I took out a Therapeutic Essential Oil synergy like Deep Heat and had him rub a few drops on his shoulder. We continued to talk about the essential oils and about 10 minutes later, I asked him to raise his hand and see how he felt. Well, he raised his hand above his head and then started waving it around. He was amazed. He stated that he was completely pain-free and was now able to freely wave his hand over his head. Something he had been unable to do for over a year. This is just one of many cases, literally, for less than ten cents; this gentleman was free of pain.
This brings up the subject of using Therapeutic Essential Oils with wisdom. Just because this gentleman was free of pain does not mean his problem was immediately fixed. He must allow time for his body to heal the injured area. Yes, the Therapeutic Essential Oils will assist your body at repairing itself at a rapid rate. I have seen injuries that would normally take a few weeks to heal completely better in a couple of days or less. No one wants to go out and incur greater damage just because they did not want to take it easy for a few days. Learn about the Therapeutic Essential Oils and use them with wisdom.
*I have a two-part question for you. You stated that Therapeutic Essential Oils might be effective against emotional trauma? I understand how emotions affect our health, but many people do not. Could you share your thoughts on how our emotions affect overall health and how many essential oils assist us with our emotions?
Edward Bach, who discovered the flower remedies for emotional healing, taught that disease is in essence a result of conflict between soul and mind. As long as our souls and personalities are in harmony, all is peace, joy, happiness, and health. If our mind and soul are in conflict, problems may arise.
Emotions cause reactions that upset our body chemistry. For example, emotions such as deep-seated fears, mistrust of others, anger, trauma, and stress result in physical symptoms such as anxiety or depression. Emotional tensions may result in aching shoulders, headaches, neck pain, rapid pulse, high blood pressure, sweating, butterflies in our stomach, rapid breathing, cramps, tingling in our arms and legs, weakness, dizziness, and much, much more. Some feel that in many cases, chronic illness may be the result of deep-seated emotional conflicts.
Now essential oils can play a major role into bringing into balance our mind and soul. As a matter of fact, I have not yet discovered anything that works better than the Therapeutic Essential Oils for bringing balance back into the mind, body, and soul. Have you ever walked into a room and smelled a familiar smell that brought back memories? Smell is the fastest way to alter moods and is why Therapeutic Essential Oils are so effective and beneficial. In my experience I have found that all Therapeutic Essential Oils seem to work on altering moods and affecting the emotions one way or another.
For example, a lady from our neighborhood, quite unexpectedly, lost her husband. She found it hard to adjust to the loneliness and pain. Having never used Therapeutic Essential Oils before, she was skeptical. One evening, she took some of the diluted rose oil we gave her and rubbed it over her heart. The next morning, we received a call thanking us for the oils and their great ability to relieve her pain. She was able to get the support she needed to let go of the emotional conflict. Imagine where she would have been in a year or two if she had been unable to let go of this emotional conflict.
Emotional healing is part of your total healing. Let’s face it! We have all been hurt emotionally in some way or another. Using the Therapeutic Essential Oils may assist us in getting the support we need to allow ourselves to deal with and let go the pain of the past and present. This allows us to have the opportunity for a better future.
*How are Therapeutic Essential Oils used?
Therapeutic Oils are used in various ways. The quickest way to receive the benefits of essential oils is through smell. Diffusing the oils puts out a fine mist that floats through the room where everyone can benefit. When oils are used on the feet, they are absorbed quickly and via the bloodstream reach the whole body in a matter of a few minutes. Therapeutic Essential Oils are wonderful for a full body massage, in a bath, or just to rub into a specific spot. They are very beneficial in facial massages and delightful to use in cooking.
*In your opinion, what is the number one problem with the Therapeutic Essential Oil industry?
Adulteration; all over the industry I’ve come across this problem. I have tested a so-called 100% pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils from one competitor and the results came back indicating it was 75% propylene -glycol, an odorless liquid used as industrial antifreeze. I even had the top expert in America say, “Everyone does it”, when we had mentioned that he had altered his Therapeutic Essential Oils.
There are many ways Therapeutic Essential Oils can be adulterated. What I find most upsetting is when synthetic or other such adulterants are added to the oils. Therapeutic Essential Oils used for medicinal purposes should be free from all manmade chemicals including contaminants such as herbicides and pesticides. The one exception to this rule would be the absolutes.
Some plant material is very fragile and the plant is unable to release its Therapeutic Oil through “natural means”. For example, because of the flower’s delicate nature, there is no such thing as Jasmine Therapeutic Essential Oil. The proper term is Jasmine Absolute, since the oil is obtained through using a solvent. Rose oil, on the other hand, can be extracted through steam distillation. You should always use rose Therapeutic Essential Oil over a rose absolute. With our absolutes, we are very fussy about the percentage of chemicals remaining in the end product. One of the determining factors of the high quality absolute would be the percentage of the solvent remaining in the end product. An excellent absolute will have below 1% solvent remaining. Also, due to the ability to extract more oil from the plant, many places will use solvents partially or entirely in their distillation process.
Adulterating the Therapeutic Oils and doing things that compromise the quality of the oils is very rampant in the industry. I find it interesting that France exports more than 100% pure French lavender oil each year than they actually produce. While some companies are very conscientious about correctly labeling their Therapeutic Essential Oils, others are not. The secret to obtaining Therapeutic Essential Oils of good quality is to locate a reliable source: A provider who adheres to sound testing, manufacturing, and labeling standards. When purchasing medicinal Therapeutic Essential Oils, insist on purchasing the species that produces the best medicinal results.
Not all the essential oils of Lavender are alike. There are some 30 different species of Lavender. Each of these has different chemical constituents and medicinal characteristics. On the open market, their quality and price can vary greatly. Just because you go into a shop and purchase 100% pure lavender oil does not mean that you are getting anything worth using. There may be considerable difference in prices of Lavendula angustifolia and Lavender hybrid, but this difference is meaningless if the less costly Therapeutic Oil has few therapeutic properties. Lavender is often adjusted using linalool and linalyl points vacuumed off higher quality lavenders or those chemicals maybe manmade and may be added to “sweeten a batch”.
Again, I want to stress how important it is to purchase your Therapeutic Essential Oils from a company with integrity. I have personally seen cases where companies love to use marketing hype that states where they have, “The highest quality, organic, therapeutic grade, essential oils in the world”, unable to produce organic certificates for most all of their essential oils. This is due to the fact that they have not grown them organically.
If this is not bad enough, I have also witnessed labels on bottles with the wrong species of oil. Their label states that they have a higher quality, more expensive species of oil, when in actuality they have lower quality oil in the bottle. Without proper testing or good education, the average person would never know that they were not getting the Therapeutic Essential Oil they are paying for.
*What is the difference of a blend and a synergy?
Even though those terms are used simultaneously for the same thing, really there is a big difference. Synergies are considered to only contain pure Therapeutic Essential Oils and sometimes high quality absolutes, combined together to enhance the properties of all the oils and intended to produce a specific result. It is like the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Now Blends are almost the same as synergies. The difference is with a Blend there has been a carrier oil added to either make the expensive oils more affordable or making the stronger synergies ready to use right from the bottle.
When a company uses the term blends, it is usually because they have carrier oil in their combinations.
*What carrier oils do you use and why?
Because of their long shelf-life and beneficial properties, I use Fractionated Coconut Oil or Jojoba. Most companies use lower quality carrier oil in the blends like sesame seed or grape seed oil. With the short shelf-life of these carriers, the blends go rancid quickly.
For a long time, most companies would not admit to ever using a carrier oil, but thankfully, I’ve seen more and more beginning to……….well at least they’re beginning to tell the truth if specifically asked about the blend even if they don’t put the carrier oil on the label.
Unlike carrier oils that have a short shelf-life, Fractionated Coconut Oil or Jojoba have practically an indefinite shelf life. If you use a blend that has carrier oil with a short shelf-life, make sure to use the blend quickly. If you wait too long, the carrier oil will go rancid and spoil your blend. I had this happen to me when I purchased oils from companies who did not label their blends honestly.
*I was wondering why you sometimes have two Therapeutic Essential Oils that are the same but from different countries.
That all comes down to price and quality. Let’s take two popular but different peppermints for example. Cheaper therapeutic peppermint is grown organically and has a sharper crisper smell. The oil is distilled at a higher temperature. Now the U.S.A. 1st Distilled Peppermint, even though it is conventionally grown, is truly the higher quality Therapeutic Oil. Due to its herby smell, some people have a harder time getting used to it.
While I’m talking about peppermint, I wanted to share a little more on the subject of the adulteration. Most all people who are use to using peppermint, even those that think they are only using the certified highest therapeutic quality, are using adulterated or poor quality peppermint. There is an easy way to tell, just take you peppermint out and smell it. If you peppermint is sharp and clear smelling, you are using low quality peppermint.
If the oil is pure, this sharp clear smelling peppermint is food or even the lower quality soap grade peppermint. True high quality peppermint will have a nice herby undertone. Many tons of peppermint adulterated with corn mint, or peppermint distilled to extract all the oil (through high temperature distillation, solvent distillation, or reinstallation techniques) will be sold as high quality Therapeutic Essential Oil.
My experience is if a company is selling low quality or adulterated peppermint, they are also selling many other adulterated or low quality oils. Sadly there is truly only a small amount of pure high quality Therapeutic Essential Oils being sold each year.
*Since there are so many Therapeutic Essential Oils, where would you suggest a person begin?
If you are new to Therapeutic Essential Oils, an easy way to begin is through purchasing some of the basics like Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary, and Tea Tree. These oils will assist in numerous aliments including balancing the body, increasing one’s energy, relieving discomfort, soothing the emotions, and in bringing feelings of love and joy into your life.
*What would you say to someone who is currently using Therapeutic Essential Oils from a company but not sure if they are truly therapeutic.
If the oils you have are working for you, that is great. If you are open to experimenting, I would suggest you compare the oils you are currently using to the oils from the Siahus company. I am positive you will notice a quality improvement. I hear reports back all the time from avid oil users who believed they are using the highest grade therapeutic essential quality oils now tell me they’re amazement at the quality difference. They use half or one-fourth as much oil as they normally would use and still get better results.
*What are the Siahus company’s goals for the Therapeutic Oils?
Their goal is to produce and locate the truly high quality Therapeutic Oils grown throughout the world and supply the same quality to the public. Over the years, I have seen first hand the shocking extent of Therapeutic Essential Oil adulteration and misinformation that runs rampant throughout the industry. This has only firmed my resolve to use the best quality Therapeutic Essential Oils. The Siahus company is dedicated to provide quality and truly make a difference in the world.
One of the ways they can do this is by assisting people from third world countries. For example, a couple of years ago I visited Africa to begin a Therapeutic Essential Oil farming project. We have a small impoverished village growing Citronella for us there. It is wonderful to see the joy on the villagers faces when I pick up the oils.
Upon my return home, I gave a sample of the Citronella to a friend who was going over to Europe for a Oils meeting. Two of the top experts in Europe tested this oil. They both agreed that it was the best Citronella that they had ever had the pleasure of smelling.
Through assisting people who love and care for their plants, and then by using the proper distillation techniques, they are able to produce Therapeutic Essential Oils that are the best of the best.
Those of you, who are new to using essential oils, start out slow. The Therapeutic Oils can have a powerful detoxifying effect, so you’ll want to use a small amount. Using an excess of oil may cause you to detoxify too quickly and you may experience headaches, diarrhea, or flu-like symptoms. If this happens, drink plenty of water and get fresh air. Remember, one drop of pure Therapeutic Essential Oil will go a long way.
Using a carrier oil along with the Therapeutic Essential Oils is also a safe practice. That way, you can experience how your body is going to react to the oil that you are using. Some oils like oregano, cinnamon bark, and red thyme are hot on the skin. Mix a carrier oil with these oils to slow down the absorption. If you are not careful, these hot Therapeutic Essential Oils may burn or blister the skin.
You’ll want to keep all Therapeutic Essential Oils, absolutes, synergies, and blends out of the reach of children. They are a part of nature’s pharmacy. Use them with respect and wisdom. Educate yourself and your family about their proper use. Keep the Therapeutic Essential Oils away from the eyes and other sensitive areas of the body. If an accident happens, immediately flush with vegetable oil or cold, full-fat milk to dilute. If stinging is not alleviated, seek medical assistance.
Although some of the oils have been used internally for thousands of years and some have been approved by the FDA for internal use, ingesting any oil should be undertaken with care and by the supervision of a professional health advisor. Never exceed the suggested amount because taking to much essential oil can damage you beneficial intestinal bacteria.
If any kind of problem is observed when using a particular Therapeutic Essential Oil, immediately stop using it. If you are under the care of a doctor who is open to working with Therapeutic Oils, contact your doctor and discuss the problem. Also, a basic rule of thumb is no more than 20-25 drops of pure Therapeutic Oil on an adult’s body during any 24 hour period of time.
*I know this is a tough question, but quickly in closing, I just wanted to ask you one final question. If you could have only one Therapeutic Essential Oil, what would it be and why.
Well, my personal favorite is Helichrysum italicum. It’s like having a first-aid kit in a bottle. Having this oil has literally saved me thousands of dollars. I just absolutely love this essential oil. It has so many wonderful properties.
I have seen many wounds that before I knew about the Therapeutic Essential Oils, I would have rushed down to the emergency room. Now I find they’re easily taken care of with a few drops of Helichrysum. In just a few short hours, I’ve seen injuries look days or weeks old. I’ve seen old scars fade, pain and swelling disappear, feeling restored to areas that supposedly would never have feeling again, and many more miracles all from a few drops of this Therapeutic Oil.
Thomas Edison, the inventor said, “The doctor of the future would give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and the prevention of disease”.