Candidiasis is an infection caused by Candida albicans, normally a harmless yeast-type fungus found in the intestines, but is also regularly found in the mouth, throat, and genital tract. When your body is functioning properly, it will keep Candida in check. It is only when the body becomes unbalanced, problems arise.
Many things that contribute to a body’s imbalance fall into three main categories:
Toxins – pollution, poor toxic food choices, and other related issues.
Emotional – stress, emotional lows, worry, and other related issues.
Deficiency – lack of vitamins, minerals, and other necessary building blocks
When you address these imbalances, the body then has the ability to heal itself.
Symptoms of a Candida overgrowth include:
Bad breath / Indigestion
Constipation / Gas
Chronic infections
Fatigue / Insomnia
Food cravings
Adrenal and thyroid problems
Hiatal hernias
Mental confusion / Panic attacks
Menstrual problems
Vaginal infections produce intense itching, accompanied by an odorless, white, cheesy discharge.
Candida albicans overgrowth (too much) in the genital tract causes yeast infections and most often is caused by a weakened immune system. More than 75% of all women have experienced a yeast infection during her lifetime and many will have a recurring infection. (Sometimes bacterial vaginitis is mistaken for a yeast infection, but can be the result of a pelvic inflammatory disease and leads to infertility.)
A man can also get a yeast infection but is less likely to be aware this infection because there may not be any symptoms. A lowered immunity and sexual contact with an infected partner are the most frequent causes of genital yeast infections in males. About 12% to 15% of men can develop symptoms such as penile rash and itching.
Over $60 million annually is spent on over the counter (OTC) products to heal this infection in the United States. These OTC treatments rarely address the imbalance that creates the problem in the first place. Therefore repeated yeast infections will continue to arise.
Below are some more specific issues that can through your body out of balance and cause a Candida overgrowth.
Hormones in the body change during the menstruation cycle, menopause, pregnancy, or the use of birth control pills.
The prolonged use of antibiotics is probably the leading cause of chronic yeast infection. Antibiotics kill the large variety of good bacteria in the gut and allow Candida to become dominant.
The imbalance called Diabetes causes an elevation of the blood sugar levels that feed a yeast infection.
Other situations that may not be the direct cause, but they may increase the likelihood of an infection are:
Hot, humid weather
Tight clothing – poor ventilation
Diet changes, poor nutrition, and junk food (high sugar content)
Poor hygiene
Allergies (weakened immune system)
Yeast lives on moist areas of the body, such as the lining of the mouth and the vagina. When there is an alteration of the normal pH balance this usually allows the fungus to thrive. For example, stress causes a reduction of the production of stomach acids. This lets the Candida invade the stomach and thrive, where it is normally never found. As a result, less digested food enters the intestines. The Candida in the intestine feed upon the improperly digested food and grows out of control.
In the oral cavity, Candida is called thrush. White sores may develop on the tongue, gums, and inside the cheeks. Mothers can pass thrush on to their newborn children. The baby’s tongue will appear red and be covered with white spots (generally noticed 8-9 days after delivery) that will appear like milk spots. On the buttocks, thrush may resemble diaper rash.
The immune system recognizes disease as non-self, an invader to the body to attack and kill. It is natural for the immune system to destroy disease, cancers, and infections with the assistance of the white blood cells that produce the antibodies. Since Candida albicans is a normal part of the body, it is much harder for the body to recognize this infection.
Prevention can be the first defense by:
Learning to eat healthy food like garlic, broccoli, wheat grass, turnips, kale, collards, cabbage, millet, brown rice, beans and vegetables. Almonds and nuts are okay, but avoid peanuts. Add fiber to the diet because it assists to clean the colon. Avoid sugary foods, cheese, alcohol, chocolate, fermented food, gluten grains (wheat, oats, rye, and barley), meat, pickles, raw mushrooms, or any yeast product.
Build-up the immune system by taking Apán.
Take a probiotic to build the good bacteria in the body.
Drink plenty of water.
Get enough sleep to keep the body strong.
Use Therapeutic Essential Oils to balance the hormones (Clary Sage or Sage), reduce stress (Geranium), assist digestion (Fennel or Peppermint ), detoxify (Lemon), and build the immune system (Frankincense).
If you have this condition, I would highly suggest you look into my top three favorite products:
* Defense
* Wild Apán Super Daily Defense
* Sacred Frankincense
Basic: Wild Apán Daily and Defense
Advanced: Wild Apán Super Daily and 2 Defense
Super Advanced: Wild Apán Super Daily, 2 Defense, and essential oils of Rejuvenate and Spice Traders